The story of Bliss takes place in present-day Japan and follows a young man in his last year of high school when troubling events begin to unfold. The Japanese government, faced with a declining birth rate, is completely unable to support important social programs for the elderly, pay for their military budget or any other important social services due to the ongoing crisis.
In response, Prime Minister Thachi develops a powerful aphrodisiac and starts releasing it into the water. Overwhelmed by lust, the general population begins to lower barriers to sex and quickly shakes its morals. While the citizens are distracted by mindless mating, the Minister tries to consolidate his power with the ultimate goal of lifelong rule of a sex empire.
However, things don't go according to plan when the infected begin to flood the capital city of Tokyo. It turns out that spoiled water was an ideal breeding ground for the formation of a new disease ... VIRUS OF BLISS! Lustful zombies are everywhere and the player must do everything in his power to escape the city with his classmates.
Who is the target audience?
Anyone who loves dark and gritty visual novels with a rich storyline. However, there are a number of tags that potential players should be aware of... NTR (not really the main focus here, but still somewhat present), group sex, orgies and bondage will appear in the game at some point.
Are there any other game modes?
Yes! Sandbox Mode is an alternate form of gameplay that allows the player to interact with the story mode's adult characters in different rooms. Additional rooms and animations for adults are planned, which will appear on Patreon and SubscribeStar in advance!
Installation Guide:
1- Extract and run.
Developer: Studio Mystic
Language: English
Version: v1.0.0
Genre: 3DCG, Ahegao, Group sex, Horror, Male protagonist, Masturbation, NTR, Oral sex, Rape, Vaginal Sex
The game is now complete!