“Room for Rent” tells the story of a young man who moves into a communal apartment where a mother and daughter live. The gameplay will be more similar to classic point and click adventures and will focus on one main story.
Installation Guide:
1- Extract and run.
Developer: NERDWORKS
Language: English
Version: v0.8.0New adds one more event at the evening of day 8 and makes the day complete. it’s not huge in terms of playtime, but it contains a tremendous amount of work and another 174 new renderings/images.
Genre: 3DCG, Male protagonist, Animated, MILF, Voyeurism, Groping, Footjob, Puzzle, Sandbox, Point & click, Urination, Masturbation, Sleep sex
So you don’t have to worry about missing something of the game content, because the gameplay won’t force you to make decisions that lead into different story paths. many games do it that way, but in my opinion this doesn’t work really well… therefore i focus on a main story instead of putting the player under pressure with a poor illusion of freedom of choice that turn “save’n’load” to a part of the gameplay. so like in classic adventure games you have to do things and solve problems in order to progress in the story. it will be like in real life, sometimes you have to do work, sometimes you have to solve problems and sometimes adult stuff are playing a role. but don’t get me wrong, interpersonal relationships are a tricky thing in real life and that’s how it will be in the game as well. so you better don’t expect something unrealistic out of the blue…