In a galaxy torn apart by centuries of conflict between two superpowers, Queen Valdana rules a planet coveted by both the Free Planets Alliance and the Neo-Terran Confederacy. Having joined the former, the legendary Flame Queen now faces a punitive Neo-Terran fleet. Will she and her allies be able to defend the kingdom and its freedoms?
What if the most dangerous enemy really lurks in Valdan? An indirect sequel to Isis: The Fall.
Knowledge of the events of the previous game is desirable, but not required.
Installation Guide:
1- Extract and run.
Developer: Tjord
Language: English
Version: 2.00
Genre: Male Protagonist, 3DCG, Animated, Uncensored, Ahegao, Corruption, Group Sex, Harem, Humiliation, Male Domination, Titfuck, Vaginal Sex, Virgin, Creampie, Big Tits, Breast Expansion, Mind Control, Transformation, Pregnancy
– New, alternative route
– Gallery mode
– Bonus scene for the original route (accesible via gallery)
– Initial Release