The game revolves around a young man who left his hometown in search of a specialized education. During his time at a foreign boarding school, he shared adventures and relationships that would be important to his future story. At the beginning of our story, the main character returns home to reunite with his mistress and family. He must decide his future and what will bring him the happiness he craves.
Surprisingly, he soon finds himself in a situation where he may choose to pursue different women around him. The outcome of the story will depend on YOUR choices and how you choose to build relationships with the women around you. Will you strive for success and dominate those you come into contact with, or will you take the easy route and let life come to you? You decide..."
Installation Guide:
1- Extract and run.
Developer: AG
Language: English
Version: 0.4
Genre: 3DCG, Animated, Male protagonist, Romance, Vaginal sex, Groping, Sleep sex, MILF, lesbian, Big ass, Big tits, Teasing, Voyeurism, Handjob, Masturbation, Kissing, Fingering
Extract the files into “game” sub-folder of the game.