The story follows Kathleen, a failed girl who is trapped on the same prison ship featured in the comic book No Exit! Once inside one of the VR pods, the story seems to be over before it even begins... Until a mysterious benefactor suddenly helps her!
Now Kathleen is forced to dive into all sorts of dirty and rubbery simulations to get out of her predicament! But be careful: these simulations are designed to turn even the most wayward girls into submissive rubber pets... Can you help Kathleen overcome the dangers of the simulations, or will you make her a victim of all sorts of strange bad endings?
Anyway, if you like latex, rubber, heavy bondage, cuckolding, non-con (and cheating) dangers, and/or rubber transformations, then this game is for you!
Installation Guide:
1- Extract and run.
Developer: Scriptor
Language: English
Version: v0.27.1
Genre: 3dcg, 2d game, female protagonist, adventure, fantasy, sci-fi, big ass, big tits, female domination, bdsm, sex toys, vaginal sex, slave, humiliation,
– Typo corrections (obligatory mention)
– Fixed an issue introduced with the upscaling of the fonts in 0.26.1: Certain letters like “Y” got their bottom partly cut off in the choice/nametag windows. After looking around the answer laid in YEP_COREEngine; adjusting the line height value allows the font to be displayed correctly again.
– Fixed a small bug in the entrance hall of Thornvine estate: If you saved the game and reloaded during the introduction scene several slave maids would spawn out of nowhere, which should have remained hidden until the cutscene later on that map. It’s fixed now. ^^
Small issue with the Primrose images still being in QUAD-HD size in the POTATO build
– Fixed another small issue with an event on day 1 of the serving route throwing a fuss in a very specific situation